About SBCC
Partnering with LA Residents for 50 Years
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Breathe LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program is a three year program 2022 to 2025. SBCC is the program administer for the LA County’s Guaranteed Income Program ( GI ) It’s a partnership between SBCC and LA County’s Office of Poverty Alleviation Initiative. LA County is the funder . This program is also a research project . The research is being conducted by the University of Pennsylvania ( U Penn ) . The Breathe Program has just been expanded to include 200 youth transitioning out of foster care. IThe income qualifications were100% of Area Median Income.
The goal of the program was to give 1,000 people $1,000 a month for three years . There were no restrictions on how folks spent their money. The expansion of Breathe will include giving 200 youth transitioning out of foster care $1,000 a month for two years .There will be no restrictions on how these youth spend their money. The issue this program was established to address is the issue of poverty and lack of access to resources. The goal was to demonstrate that with additional financial resources individuals and families could find a little “ breathing room” and move toward financial stability. The population served was low income folks in specific census tracts throughout LA County.
The most significant challenge the Breathe Program had to overcome was the ability to stay engaged and connected to all 1,000 selected participants across the county. From the start, SBCC`s Breathe coaches developed authentic relationships with participants and set up monthly one on one meetings with participants. During these one on one`s our economic development coaches started putting together an individual success plan with each participant based on their gifts and interests which included workshops on investments, credit repair, jobs and career opportunities as well as providing participants with access to SBCC`s entrepreneurship programs and lending circles initiative. Providing additional resources to participants is not the only answer to the challenge of staying connected. In building authentic relationships SBCC also planned quarterly social connection gatherings for participants to meet in person with each-other along with SBCC’s coaches. These gatherings facilitate a place for breathe participants to share their story, experiences, and a network so that participants could support each other.
There was an extensive outreach initiative conducted by SBCC the program administer for Breathe LA. SBCC organized a collaboration of grassroots non-profits who held authentic relationships with residents and SBCC worked with the collaboration to insure that every segment of LA County’s diverse population was aware of the opportunity to apply to the GI program . This included folks who could not read as well as multiple language translations , folks with disabilities , folks with multiple barriers. SBCC also engaged these collaborative partners as sites where folks could participate in the on-boarding process if they had transportation challenges. SBCC hired three economic coaches to support the participants.
Potential candidates for these funds were required to fill out a 30 page questionnaire developed by U Penn . Then the names of all the people who applied were involved in a random selection process overseen by U Penn. The names of the 1000 folks selected through U Penn’s random selection process were forward to SBCC for the on- boarding process. This process verified address and income and determined which benefits were not affected by the increase in income to the GI participants. A debit card was distributed to each participant and they were advised that the SBCC economic coaches would be contacting them monthly to support each of them. SBCC would be building a social network so that participants could support each other. SBCC reached out to each participant monthly either through a phone call , email or text.
SBCC has been the program administer of the LA County GI program for a year. Consequently we have acquired significant data regarding the impact of the GI program. Most folks initially used the additional money to catch up on bills and debuts. Now as we move to the second year folks are beginning to plan for the future and consider a path to more financial stability. For some folks this means looking for stable employment with a career pathway option , for undocumented folks this may mean exploring entrepreneurship and the creation of a small business. Each individual’s path may look different but SBCC is committed to supporting each participant in making a plan for financial security so that when the GI program is over each person is on a path to financial stability.
The impact of the LA County GI program has been significant. The program has created breathing room for folks to review past decisions and make more informed plans. SBCC believes the GI program has given folks hope for a better future and hope is essential to a sense of well- being. The empathy and support participants express for each other is evidence that social networks of support reap real tangible benefits for the members of the network . Sharing organic grassroots solutions to participants from other participants creates a sense of belonging and fellowship that many of these residents have not experience before. The additional income is important but the impact of connecting to other folks with the same challenges and experiencing that someone is rooting for you may be more important. SBCC is hosting a series of gatherings to strengthen the social network we are intentionally building. At one gathering a participant shared that for the first time in her long history of accessing county benefits because of SBCC’s relationship with her she finally felt like a person and not a number. SBCC is committed to working with each individual to discover their gifts and talents and the way for them to thrive and contribute to their community. SBCC continues to believe that the monthly contact and coaching we are providing to each participant will result in progress toward financial stability.
The Breathe LA County Guaranteed Income Program ( GI ) is part of a national initiative in at least 29 states. The purpose of the multiple GI Programs is to demonstrate the benefits of GI as a pathway out of poverty toward financial stability for individuals and families. There is collaborative of mayors from around the United States that is advocating for a national GI policy initiative. They are Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. They plan to lobby the United States Congress to include a GI Program in the 2024 national budget.
The impact on the individuals who are part of the LA County GI program has been significant in providing folks with a measure of financial stability they did not have before the program. Now in our second year ,SBCC is observing folks making plans for the future that will continue to ensure stability when the GI program ends.
SBCC established as a non-profit in Manhattan Beach above a psychic advisor.
South Bay Center for Counseling employs a part time Executive Director, a part time receptionist with a budget of $75,000.
SBCC began as a community based counseling center with all volunteer therapist.
SBCC moved to Grandview Elementary School in Manhattan Beach.
SBCC continues to offer free counseling services to individuals, families and children.
McMartin Preschool Case: SBCC did not interview or diagnose any children. SBCC did provide therapy to the local children and provided a support group for parents, as well as legislative advocacy and reform for young children
testifying in court.
Specifically, three pieces of legislations were introduced:
1. Close circuit TV available for children testifying in court.
2. Parental consent for the release of student records.
3. Protected the rights of young children during cross-examination.
SBCC established a preschool at SBCC's office.
Also in 1985, SBCC re-evaluated the menu of programs we offered and prioritized the alleviation of poverty, re-allocated resources to low income folks, and pathways out of poverty.
The First County Grant received, Child Abuse Prevention Intervention and Treatment (CAPIT) enabled SBCC to establish a
relationship with the Los Angeles County Government.
SBCC expanded our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors establishes Children’s Planning Council, Colleen Mooney elected to be Convener of Service Planning Area 8 (SPA).
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC's Community Organizing Department was established and initially SBCC had seven neighborhood action councils in SPA 8.
SBCC established the model of relationship based community organizing in consultation with John McKnight.
The relationship based organizing model emphasized the core value of the gifts and talents of ordinary residents and their capacity to contribute to their family and community.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC received a grant from the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) for Family Support.
SBCC establishes Family Support Initiatives in SPA 8, with a collaboration of over 20 funded partners.
Thi collaboration was focused on community and family well-being the emphasis was not on social services. The priorities were established by the residents.
Several initiatives funded by Family Support not focused on social services including Doula Services, Youth Development, the of Pre-School on Wheels (PWW) and Community Garden initiatives.
SBCC's first Family Support Conference was held at Harbor Community College and included a panel of residents.
SBCC moved corporate offices to El Segundo.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC is funded by First 5 LA to implement the Neighborhood Action Council (NACS) model County-wide. This influx of money, resulted in the expansion of (NACS) to over 100 county-wide.
The expansion of Pre-School Without Walls (PWW).
Also in 2004, we initiated immigration services at SBCC. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC received a grant from First 5 LA, for Partnerships for Families (PFF).
SBCC initiated a legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC launched the pilot for the Energy Pathway Program (EPP) which was a collaboration between refinery employers, Harbor Community College, SBCC and the Steel Workers Union 675. This was SBCC's first investment in workforce development.
SBCC launched a second career pathway , Urban Teacher Fellowship (UTF).
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC establishes the Wilmington Empowerment Project with a second office in Wilmington.
SBCC becomes the fiscal agent for LAUSD's Healthy Start project at 186th Street School.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC receives a grant from the Los Angeles County Department of Children Family Services (DCFS) for the Prevention Initiative Demonstration Program (PIDP).
DCFS with community partners establishes the three elements of prevention which are the establishment of social networks, access to resources and support and economic stability.
The County-Wide system of (NACS) initiated its first County-Wide planning project.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC establishes the Urban Arts Crew (UAC) in Wilmington. Vandalism in Wilmington dropped 9%, in which the LAPD attributed to SBCC's UAC program.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC expands to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
The implementation of "BEARY" educational LA County-Wide initiative. Expansion of the Doula program, which was the only Doula program for low income parents in Southern California. County-wide NAC initionative to ensure that every child received a library card.
SBCC initiated a loan program for residents interested in starting their own business in partnership with P.A.C.E.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
Creation of the Streetcraft+ Program recruiting taggers to see themselves as artists and earn an income from their talent.
“iHeart Wilmington” was born as a resident-led advocacy group to encourage civic engagement.
SBCC participated in United Way Home-walk.
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
LA 2050 funded the first StreetCraft+ store in Santa Monica.
SBCC sponsored its first Gala and we advocated for Don Knabe to keep his current Supervisorial District.
Future Leaders Rising Program, began at the Wilmington Empowerment center.
SBCC participated in United Way Home-walk.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
County-Wide network of NACS launches Rock The Vote movement.
SBCC 's hosts first IHeartWilmington festival.
Social connection groups were organized by SBCC as a component of First 5 LA's Best Start Initiative.
SBCC participated in United Way Home-walk.
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC received the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Prevention and Aftercare Grant.
SBCC creates a youth development program "Thriving Together."
SBCC creates a youth digital media program "Digital Dreamers."
SBCC moved the corporate office from El Segundo, CA to Wilmington, CA.
SBCC established the community garden on Ravenna Ave. Wilmington, CA.
Clean Wilmington was absorbed by SBCC.
SBCC hosts second IHeartWilmington feista.
SBCC participated in United Way Home-walk.
SBCC's Annual Halloween Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS).
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
The iHeart movement is expanded to include not only Wilmington, but Watts and East LA.
SBCC participated in United Way Home-walk.
SBCC's Annual Halloween Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS).
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
Relative Support Services (RSS), a program funded by (DCFS) was introduced in SPA 8 and SPA 5 with SBCC as the lead.
SBCC engaged a new model; Human Center Design, in order to co-create with community initiatives that the residents supported.
Expansion of the IHeart Movement to Compton, El Monte, The Antelope Valley and Carson, CA.
SBCC participated in United Way Home-walk.
SBCC's Annual Halloween Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS).
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
Roots of Community established as a Get Out and Vote strategy.
SBCC developed Rise Up Vote! as a strategy to register youth to vote.
SBCC participated in United Way Home-walk.
SBCC's Annual Halloween Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS).
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
The Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) funds SBCC to establish an entrepreneurial program for folks on General Relief.
SBCC initiated the Fatherhood Program as a part of Prevention and Aftercare (P&A)
SBCC initiated the Family Prosperity Initionative (FPI) as a part of Prevention and Aftercare. FPI became the first time Federal money was allocated directly to residents.
Expansion of community gardens County-Wide.
SBCC partners with Coastline Community College to deliver Energy Pathway Program Curriculum.
First SBCC Advocacy Conference in Montebello.
First 5 LA funding for community organizing initiative ends.
SBCC participated in United Way Home-walk.
SBCC's Annual Halloween Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS).
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC expands its office locations to the Antelope Valley and South LA.
SBCC sponsors a census conference in the Antelope Valley.
SBCC conducted census caravans county wide, stressing the importance of registering for the 2020 Census.
Covid pandemic.
Partnership with Khalsa Care Foundation to distribute 2,000 meals a week.
SBCC opens school in the parking lot, because LAUSD closed and many of our resident partners could not access distance learning.
SBCC obtained the property for the farm from council member Joe Buscaino.
SBCC established a partnership with Food Forward.
SBCC launched a 1000 face mask project, which included the distribution of esstial items such as hand sanitizer, face shields and food.
SBCC rebranded its name to Strength Based Community Change.
SBCC's Annual Halloween Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS).
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC in partnership with its residents, builds the Heart of the Harbor Community Farm, consistent of 2 acres with 65 raised beds for residents to rent and grow organic fruits and vegetables,
100 fruit trees, a walking path, a kitchen, stage, fish pond, animals including ducks, chickens, roosters, bunnies, goats and a pig.
SBCC became the fiscal agent for many small organizations without fiscal infrastructure.
SBCC formed a partnership with Pacific Gateway Work-source Center.
Pacific Gateway priovided internship oppurtunity that lead to jobs for many of our residents.
SBCC received three grants for Covid outreach and education.
SBCC launched the Wilmington Community Pop-Up for SBCC's entrepreneurs participants.
SBCC was funded by Casey Families Programs to initiate listening sessions Family-Wellbeing throughout the county.
SBCC expanded Doula program and PWW to SPA 6.
SBCC received non-profit of the year award from California Assembly member Mike Gipson.
United Way Home-walk.
SBCC's Annual Halloween Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS).
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC network of (NACS) continues to meet at the County-Wide monthly to plan and implement community projects.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC becomes the Program Administer for the LA County Guaranteed Income Program 1000 folks will receive $1,000 for three years with no restrictions on how they can spend the money.
SBCC reviews the findings from the Casey Listening session with community members May through August.
First Collective Action Conference at Carson Community Center focused on the three priorities SBCC's network of residents collected. The priorities were: Good Jobs & Stability, Community resources and Safer Communities.
10th Year Anniversary Celebration of iHeart Wilmington Festival.
United Way Home-walk.
SBCC received We Rise Grant Youth Movement Grant.
SBCC's first annual Heart of the Harbor Community Farm Celebration.
In partnership with California Assembly Mike Gipson SBCC participated in the Autism Awareness 5K Run.
SBCC's Annual Harvest Festival at the Heart of the Harbor Community Farm.
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
SBCC launched the SPA 6 Community Pop-Up for SBCC's entrepreneurs participants.
1 Year Anniversary Wilmington Community Pop-Up for SBCC's entrepreneurs participants.
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC's network of (NACS) decided to use the County-Wide platform to discuss the Casey Family Wellbeing project on a monthly basis.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
SBCC celebrates its 50th Anniversary as a Social change agency, not a Social Services Agency.
LA County's Guaranteed Income Program expands to 200 former foster youth to receive $1,000 for two years with no restrictions on how they can spend the money.
SBCC expands its partnership with Coastline Community College to deliver a Career Pathways Curriculum.
In partnership with LA County's Poverty Alleviation Initiative, SBCC launched a resident driven project oriented activation. Residents from three SBCC initiatives were the decision makers and budgeted for the use of $135,000 per activation. These activations included the SBCC Heart of the Harbor Farm, SBCC Youth Development program, Thriving Together and SBCC iHeart Wilmington.
iHeart Movement expands to Long Beach.
Annual Celebration of iHeart Wilmington Festival.
SBCC opens an additional home office in Lake Los Angeles to collaborate to residents as they choose the projects they want to invest in the Antelope Valley.
2nd Annual Collective Action Conference in Montebello. SBCC expanded the breakout groups to include, The Fatherhood Project and a youth component. SBCC network of residents continued to work one the three priorities selected in 2022.
In partnership with California Assembly Mike Gipson SBCC participated in the Autism Awareness 5K Run.
SBCC's 2nd annual Heart of the Harbor Community Farm Celebration.
SBCC's Annual Halloween Festival at the Heart of the Harbor Community Farm.
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
2nd Year Anniversary Wilmington Community Pop-Up for SBCC's entrepreneurs participants.
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC's network of (NACS) decided to use the County-Wide platform to discuss the Casey Family Wellbeing project on a monthly basis.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
In partnership with California Assembly Mike Gipson SBCC participated in the Autism Awareness 5K Run.
Annual Celebration of iHeart Wilmington Festival.
SBCC's 3rd annual Heart of the Harbor Community Farm Celebration.
SBCC's Annual Halloween Festival at the Heart of the Harbor Community Farm.
2nd Annual Collective Action Conference al the Proud Bird in Los Angeles.
10th Annual SBCC Gala
2nd Year Anniversary Wilmington Community Pop-Up for SBCC's entrepreneurs participants.
SBCC hosts Winter Wonderland Community Festival sponsored by (DCFS)
SBCC participation in Wilmington's Annual Holiday Parade.
SBCC's network of (NACS) decided to use the County-Wide platform to discuss the Casey Family Wellbeing project on a monthly basis.
SBCC continues to provide Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Child Tax Credit (CTC) tax site for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues legal services program for residents free of charge.
SBCC continues our definition of counseling services to include coaching and mentoring from a strength based perspective. This service continues to be free.
OUR team


Ely Fournier

Elisea Grimaldo

Octavio Ramirez

Yvette Perez

Selene Ketchum
Chris Herrera, LMFT

Rudy Melendez
Gaby Leyva

We believe that change comes from within.
And that to change the narrative, we must seize opportunities and environments where communities can demand equity. That means giving people true hope through tools and resources that work.
We reject solutions that prioritize traditional social services. Instead, we choose innovative neighborhood ventures, resiliency, and diversity.
Our commitment is to economic vitality and a redistribution of resources. We are not a service agency. We are partners who live and build with communities on this journey. Community is our weapon.
We stand by the belief that together we have the power to succeed.
We are SBCC.
“Once you become part of a group of this quality, you feel rooted and accompanied— and have a sense of belonging. Many of the members come from other countries. It is wonderful to have a shoulder to cry on and to grow together. We cultivate ourselves as people and artists; we share ideas and ask each other for their opinion. This support was especially important during the pandemic. We might not see each other in person or touch each other, but we know that on the other side of the phone or screen there is someone who can listen to us. This gives us the chance not to be isolated. We might be physically isolated right now, but there is no need for us to be emotionally isolated.”
“Many don’t get from their own families the support that SBCC has given. SBCC makes us feel like we have family, with no worry that we don’t share the same blood or last name. They help us feel that we are not alone. I had fallen into depression. Their support of my daughter and me gave me the strength and courage to keep fighting.”
“Many other organizations just do their hours to get paid. They forget about me as a person and about the community. I see that SBCC staff work late to make us feel that their support is there.”
“They [SBCC] do honor to the heart logo in their ‘I Heart Wilmington’ campaign. They have love for all of us in the community and for each of us in their programs. SBCC is always looking to see how to help the community. They ask us our opinion on needs and what they could do.”
“I now know which organizations and people really care for us. SBCC gives us food, pays our bills, and calls to check on us. I know five to six organizations in the community, but I found them to be superficial. They didn’t worry about how I felt or what I needed. They like to take photos when they give my children a backpack or school supplies…’Ellos velan por la comunidad.”
“In my connections with other organizations in my community, I can see through other nonprofit’s assistance that just do it for their own means to an end. But in this case, SBCC has a different vibe/atmosphere. What makes them stand out is genuine connection and care for the community.”
“Sometimes people let their ego get in the way and don’t get help. Now is not the time for machismo or ego. We can’t just fold our hands and sit still. I choose to get up. I know how to cook, how to sew. We all have our talents. We need to get out and do things. We can’t let ourselves be stepped on by the pandemic.”
“SBCC helped me feel strong at a time when I had fallen down and wasn’t sure how I’d get back up. I was out of work because of the pandemic. My husband was also. We didn’t know what food we’d give our kids that night. Then we got a call from SBCC. It felt like a gift falling from the sky. They asked us what we needed and told us they are here for us.”